Lent will begin on March 5, Ash Wednesday, which is relatively late this year. We will have a traditional service of ashes that day at both 12 pm and 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. This very meaningful service uses the ancient symbolism of ashes to signify our repentance and the forgiveness of Christ. The evening… Continue reading Ash Wednesday Service
Author: adamalderson
Wednesday Lenten Dinners & Programs
Beginning March 5, our Lenten potlucks will be held in Pierson Hall each Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. Just bring a food item to share plus table service; beverages are provided. The Wednesday Lenten Programs begin on March 12, starting at 7:00 p.m. each week. The programs will feature multi-generational studies that will guide us… Continue reading Wednesday Lenten Dinners & Programs
Pentecost at the UMC of Kent
Next Sunday we will celebrate Pentecost, a holiday that commemorates the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus Christ’s followers, the Apostles. This year we are also celebrating the confirmation of new young people into membership of the church. All this will be during a single 10 AM service. Please join us!
Navigating the Chaos of Reentry
Navigating the Chaos of Reentry, a panel discussion on the challenges facing individuals attempting to restart their lives after incarceration, was held April 3 at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary. Due to technical issues, we were not able to stream this panel live. The event, however, is now available online via our YouTube channel.
Navigating the Chaos of Reentry
Navigating the Chaos of Reentry, a panel discussion on the challenges facing individuals attempting to restart their lives after incarceration, will be held April 3 at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary. It will be preceded by a potluck dinner at 6:00 PM in Pierson Hall. Bring a dish to share and table service for you… Continue reading Navigating the Chaos of Reentry
Panel Discussion April 3
Join us for “Navigating the Chaos of Reentry”. This equipping event highlights the challenges of reentering a community after an incarceration experience in the form of a panel discussion with a question and answer period. The event will be streamed live through our YouTube channel. The discussion will be preceded by a potluck dinner in… Continue reading Panel Discussion April 3
Holy Week Activities
The following services are planned leading up to Easter:
Easter Egg Hunt
On Saturday, March 23, from 1 pm to 3 pm, we will join with KidsKare Daycare and Tree City Preschool to host a Community Easter Egg Hunt on our property. All children up to age 12 are welcome and encouraged to participate and will be asked to register in advance (see below). In addition to… Continue reading Easter Egg Hunt
Sponsor a Geranium
On Memorial Day weekend, we use geraniums in worship to remember our service persons (active military and veterans). We invite you to purchase geraniums in honor or memory of someone you choose. Forms are available in the atrium. We will show the names of all those in whose honor or memory the geraniums were given… Continue reading Sponsor a Geranium
VBS Registration Now Open
We are currently planning to hold VBS at the Kent UMC the week of June 17–20 (four days), from 9:30 am to noon. The theme this year will be JUST Like Me! “JUST Like Me is an inclusive VBS curriculum that will help kids celebrate their identity as God’s beloved creations just as they are!… Continue reading VBS Registration Now Open