1-12-25 Baptism of the Lord--Contemporary Worship
1-12-25 Baptism of the Lord--Traditional Worship
1-5-25 Epiphany of the Lord--Contemporary Worship
1-5-25 Epiphany of the Lord--Traditional Worship
12-29-24 Lessons and Carols--Contemporary Worship
12-29-24 Lessons and Carols--Traditional Worship
12-24-24 Christmas Eve--The Blessing of Love Made Flesh--9:00 PM Worship
12-24-24 Christmas Eve--The Blessing of Love Made Flesh--6:00 PM Worship
12-22-24 Advent 4--The Blessing (and Risk) of Hope--Traditional Worship with the New Spirit Cantata
12-22-24 Advent 4--The Blessing (and Risk) of Hope--Contemporary Worship
12-15-24 Advent 3--The Blessing of Doing Good--Traditional Worship
12-15-24 Advent 3--The Blessing of Doing Good--Contemporary Worship
12-8-24 Advent 2--The Blessing of Companions--Traditional Worship
12-8-24 Advent 2--The Blessing of Companions--Contemporary Worship
12-1-24 Advent 1--Being a Blessing--Traditional Worship